Conserva Irrigation has always been the only irrigation company founded on the concept of water conservation. Not only have we continued this mission that is rooted in our deep care for our planet, but we have also continued to support the men and women who live in our communities.
Amid the uncertainty that has been added to American lives from the COVID-19 crisis, we are proud to announce that we have completed our 2nd CareerTech Academy. Our CareerTech Academy program serves as a resource and springboard for our communities.
Led by our very own Jay Gray, a 30-year-long certified and accredited member of the Irrigation Association, our CareerTech program is designed to help those who have little to no irrigation experience train to begin working in the irrigation industry. The program lasts a total of 4 weeks and allows men and women of all backgrounds to gain experience and immediately be placed into a professional technician role upon course completion.
Russ Jundt, founder & brand leader of Conserva Irrigation, shared that "This is one of the most challenging times in our nation's history and we know that unfortunately many people have and will continue to lose their jobs as a result of COVID-19...we're fortunate to be in a situation where we are still hiring and looking for talented technicians to work in our franchised territories across the country. Our two-week CareerTech Academy allows us to quickly identify talent, teach trainees about the irrigation business and prepare them for a rewarding career as an irrigation technician. It's exciting and we look forward to hosting more in the near future."
In addition to intervals of classroom training, the course’s trainees conduct all the inspection, service, system startup, and repairs for our friends at the Cameron Art Museum in Wilmington, NC. Our course continues to give our trainees’ experience with our vans and servicing other customers to master their craft!
Local franchisee Dave Perfater says that "hosting young men and women looking for a jump-start to their irrigation career and teaching them the business has been one of the highlights of my time with Conserva.” He also added that, "it means even more to me considering the current unemployment situation in our country. I congratulate our Academy graduates and look forward to seeing them succeed in the field very shortly."
As cities have shut down their non-essential businesses over the past few months, we have learned more than ever how much our communities depend and rely on their home service providers across the nation. The wave of unemployment that we have seen sweep our nation has been very sad for us to witness. This is why we continue our dedication to serving our communities by ensuring that crucial programs such as CareerTech Academy continue to push forward.
We are actively planning on hosting two to three more academies in 2020.
If you are interested in reading more, please view the links listed below to read their full stories:
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